创建时间:1978 年
KELLS ACADEMY 凯尔斯学院,位于魁北克省的蒙特利尔市市郊,距离市中心十几分钟的车程,交通方便,邻近有公车与火车,学校另设有校车,提供学生搭乘。该校是一所非宗教的私立英语学校,提供从幼儿园到11年级的教育课程。在过去的近30年中,该校向北美顶级学校输送了数以百计的学生。学校非常欢迎欧亚的学生来到 KELLS ACADEMY, 学校为国际学生提供了托福、SAT 课程、大学转学分课程,并提供学习顾问,帮助学生解决学习中的问题,并帮助学生申请大学。
中学(7 - 11年级)
费 用:2015-2016 Academic Year
Application Fee: (non-refundable - to be submitted with application form) $50.00
Admission Fee: (non-refundable - due upon acceptance) $200.00
First Tuition Fee: (due August 27, 2015) $7,625.00
Balance of Tuition Fee: (due January 29, 2016) $7,625.00
Spplemental Fees:
Activity Fee: $350.00
Building Fund: (New students only): $1,200.00
Graduation Fee: (Grade 11 only) $300.00
Transfer Fee: (Students registering after September 30, 2015) $1,000.00
Library, Workbook and Technology Fee: $600.00
Supplemental Fees for International Students:
Airport Pickup: $100.00
Guardianship: $1000.00
Homestay: $280.00 per week
Homestay Placement Fee: $200.00
Medical insurance: $625.00
Family Discount (applicable to tuition fees only)
10% for the second child
15% for the third child
20% for the fourth child or more
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